What Does A Breakup Mean In A Relationship And 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Cross That Line


“I think this isn’t working out”

Every time you hear someone say this or something even remotely similar, I’m sure your heart stops for a second.

Break up. Everyone hates this word, right?

A breakup is essentially when two partners who are romantically involved split and go separate ways, giving up on their relationship. It’s the ending of a relationship; when one person wants out.

A relationship isn’t a bed of roses. Or if it is, it has plenty of thorns too. There will be fights, things will get messy, it might get to a point where you are just so mad that you can’t stay in the same room as your partner. But then, if it’s a problem that can be fixed, usually it does get okay and people get back to being their lovey-dovey self again.

However, the problem with some people is, they use the B- word too often. They throw it across the table like it’s just another phrase and does not consider the actual consequence of leaving a person. They end up in an on-again, off-again relationship.

Naturally, this causes a lot of problems in a relationship and so, here are 5 reasons why you should never use the B-word if you’re not sure about it.

1. The Trust Breaks

So, let’s say, your beautiful girl and you disagree on something and it evolves into a fight. If you say you want to breakup even though you know you’re saying it without actually meaning it and it was only in the heat of the moment, your partner doesn’t necessarily have to realize that. And sometimes even if they do, there’s always the thought, “It was so easy for her/him to say she/he wants to leave me”.  This breaks the trust in the relationship and how can you ever trust a person with your heart if you know that they could easily crush it?

2. Insecurities Creep Up

This is one of the deadliest reasons that can kill a relationship. If you’re someone who says or does breakup over small things frequently (and get back with your partner soon), the chances are that your partner has plenty of insecurities about you and your constantly wavering mind.

3. It Isn’t Healthy

If you constantly find yourself breaking up with a person and getting back in the same cycle with them, then it shows that your relationship has issues. Breaking up multiple times is extremely unhealthy and it could even mean that you two are together for the wrong reasons.

4. Sign of Immaturity

Breaking up is serious and if you say it/do it often with the same person without giving much thought about what you actually want, then this is a clear sign of immaturity. This probably means you’re not ready for this/any relationship right now.

5. Not A Good Sign

Continuing a relationship in spite of its shaky foundation means that there really is no proper future for that relationship. It’s understandable that breaking up is hard and you tend to miss the person so badly that you might want to get back with them again. But, rocky, on-off relationships are never a good sign and it is always better to think before acting in such situations.

On and off relationships are popularized by movies and we see it happening around us everywhere. But, it’s not always as cool as they show it in the movies. There’s no airport declaration of love or big love confessions. A real relationship consists of two people who love each other so much that they would be mature enough to act on the problem, before calling it quits.

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