Does Age Matter in A Love Relationship? 5 Facts To Consider!


Relationships can flourish at almost any time. It is often when we are least looking for love that it seems to fall into our laps. We meet that cute person by chance and things get started from there. The next thing we know, we are suddenly caught up by this whirlwind romance. However, age is a factor that some have to contemplate when thinking about their relationship.

1. Everyone Must Be of Legal Age

This should go without saying, but obviously, everyone needs to be an adult to engage in a lawful relationship. If both people are under the age of eighteen, then the relationship may be appropriate, but it is against the law and never appropriate if one person is above the age of eighteen and another is not. Also, adults can have a lot of fun visiting and get a taste of wild night.

2. What Is A Significant Age Gap?

There is a lot of debate as to what exactly a significant age gap is in a loving relationship in the first place. There are those who don’t feel any pressure at all about being with a person who is ten years their junior or their senior.

There are others who are completely creeped out by that idea. To some extent, a significant age gap is what you make of it on an individual basis. However, most begin to draw that line somewhere around the ten years difference mark. If that is not a bother for you, then continue on.

3. Generational Differences

dating younger girl

You might as well expect that there will be generational differences between yourself and your partner if you are dating someone younger or older.

There are things that they are experiencing which you either already have experienced in your own life, or which you have not yet had. It is going to be a strain at some points to relate to one another as a result. Almost any couple with an age gap between them runs into this situation.

4. Expect Strange Looks

expressive looks

The public will issue its judgment on your relationship regardless of how you feel about it. You may be completely at peace with your situation and yet still have the feeling that you have to justify it to the public. People are likely to look at you and your partner with judging eyes. This can be difficult for some people to go through, but others are able to brush it right off. This is mainly a matter of self-confidence. Sometimes it builds with time.

5. Know Who You Are

love couples

If you are comfortable with yourself and your relationship, then there is no need to worry about an age gap. If you and your partner can get past the generational struggles and the looks you may get from others, these types of relationships can be very beautiful. Some famous and some not so famous people have enjoyed relationships with significant age differences between the partners. As long as both people are happy and fulfilling to one another, then there is really no trouble at all with this kind of arrangement. For some people, age really is just a number.